Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Frontier Ranch

The first day our cabin went rappelling down this cliff. You can barely see the wooden structure on the edge of the mountain, but its right in the center of this picture. We rappelled off the left side of the cliff, and it was one of the craziest things I've ever done!

This is my cabin from top left to right: Grant Fraley, Alex DiGiore, Skylar Welch, Michael Murray, Nick Brandes, Blake Munch, Tucker Curtis, Avram Rago, Me, Watson Ransom, Charlie Ragsdale, and BJ Foster.

This picture of McLean and me was taken right before the volleyball tournament. Yes, that is area code 813 sharpied on my tshirt.

On "Western Night," McLean and I both got pied in the face by our cabins. There was also square dancing and line dancing later on that evening, which was a lot of fun.

This picture was taken of us on the last night of camp. Everyone gets dressed up for the final dinner. McLean was rockin' the straight hair, and I was getting a pretty good beard that I'd been working on the whole week.

High School Summer Nights 2011

This was the night we went "Tacky Bowling"! The four of us all came in Bucs attire, so we got a picture together.

 Watson, Avram, Henry, and I bowled as a group in the same lane. Let's just say our scores weren't the greatest.

Middle School Summer Nights

This is the first Summer Night. We played produce baseball, but it turned into an all out food fight. I got the last laugh though when I dumped this ice cooler on everyone at the end.

 This was the group that went bowling!

We took another group to Boing! This is a huge warehouse that is covered with trampolines. The area behind us is the dodgeball court.

July 4th...26!!!

McLean and I both wore the same outfit for July 4th. I turned 26 this year! Man, that sounds old...I guess you can go ahead and say I'm 30 now :)